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July 27, 2008


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It sounds like you need a vacation! I know it's difficult, but try to find some time just for you.
Your roses are lovely by the way!


Aww, I'm sorry you're stressed! I hope you two have loads of fun at the concert tonight. When I hit town next week, let's try to do non-stressful things!

BTW, when I'm down there, I want an up-close-and-personal look at your new bath poufs. I have a feeling I might want to buy a few -- one for me, and then some for gifts. They look awesome!


I hear ya:)!! Fortunately, I thrive on stress but my cleaning day yesterday was just about enough to send me over the edge..."Could I get a little help around here!"...shocked... they jumped in and started cleaning...I should have done that a long time ago:)
Just remember that usually when you hit that point of when everything falls into place:)


Oops...I love the roses, btw!


Love the roses!

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